
Mona Lisa Everett

Birth Date: 1953-10-30
Deceased Date: 1967-10-20
There are currently no tributes.

Jim Everett

Birth Date: 1913-01-14
Deceased Date: 1996-04-18
There are currently no tributes.

Thelma Manley (Hendricks)

Birth Date: 1941-07-29
Deceased Date: 2006-01-29
Harvey Manley, Jr. - July 29th, 2014
Our angel, mother,  and friend. The "wind" beneath my wings...Love and miss you. Greatest Bible scholar I ever knew...Champ (Harvey, Jr.) , Sharon, Alexis, and David (Harvey, III).

Harvey David Manley, Sr.

Birth Date: 1940-04-25
Deceased Date: 2008-11-01
There are currently no tributes.

Evangelist Essie Manley (Pugh)

Birth Date: 1945-12-20
Deceased Date: 2013-01-03
There are currently no tributes.

Evangelist Essie Manley (Pugh)

There are currently no tributes.